Horse owners, riders and companies choose me because they like my images. It does not matter to them how much expertise and experience has been put in to create their images. A beautiful image of their beloved horse, team or product, is the only thing for which they have choose me.
But as a photographer you will evaluate yourself and compare your work with "the best of the pack". Without self evaluation you simply can't grow skills and creativity in photography. Photographers are also curious about what other photographers think of your work. As a member of a professional association, you can compete for a quality label at The Federation of European Photographers. An international panel of three top photographers reviews independently a series of twelve photos and indicates whether you are good enough for a label and provides constructive feedback. You need a majority of votes to get a label.
Yesterday I was happy as a child when the email from the FEP came in. Three out of three panel members have reworth of my submitted series as valuable enough for an EP.
So proud that I can now call myself European Photographer!
As an extra, one of my photos is used in the communication of this EP session!
You can view the series of canine images I have submit HERE.